Exploring Machu Picchu

We arrived in Aguas Calientes on the afternoon train. After a few days in the wild, we were suffering from a mild case of tourist shock. We had been traveling in South America for nearly two months, and although there were travelers everywhere, nothing compared to the number of tourists that we would see in Aguas Calientes. Machu Picchu is a World Heritage site and one of the Seven Wonders of the World. So, the ancient Incan city does not just attract backpackers and explorers, it also draws in millionaires and billionaires. For the first time, we foreigners were reminded that we were different; we had a “special” train and a “special” boarding area that had a cute coffee shop and fine pastries. Although we never truly blended in, at least we had had a fair shot at trying… until now. I know the money we tourists bring into Peru is an important part of the economy, but it was still difficult to see the Disneyland that we tourists had created in a place that has such immense historic significance and stunning natural beauty.

We arrived in Aguas with no place to stay and were lucky to find a private room at a hostel in a central part of town. We had tickets to Machu Picchu for the following morning, so we took the evening to have a delicious, slightly fancy meal at Tree House Restaurant (we had been eating cheese and avocado sandwiches for a few days now, so this was a treat).

Exploring Machu Picchu

The next morning we planned to wake up and catch the first bus to the park. However, Arie and I are seriously bad at waking up, and we can easily convince the other to fall back asleep. So…. about three hours after our alarm initially rang, we were on the bus to Machu Picchu.

Exploring Machu Picchu

We had not planned in advance, thus we were unable to score tickets to the coveted Huayna Picchu. Instead, we hiked Machu Picchu Mountain (Montana). Since the entrance to the hike is only open at specific times, we headed there first The total trek time takes approximately three hours, plus any additional time for relaxation and photography at the summit. The trail is an old Incan trail, which consists of a lot of stairs. To be honest, there were times that I thought the stairs would never end, but after all the hiking we had been doing, I still felt like a pro. I was passing people left and right!

Exploring Machu PicchuExploring Machu Picchu

Exploring Machu PicchuExploring Machu Picchu

Although we were aiming to get to the top fast (there was so much more to see down below), we couldn’t help but stop to take in the view at every clear vantage point. We also stopped to appreciate the fact that we were walking on the same path that was once used by one of the strongest and most sophisticated civilizations that has ever existed. Once at the top, we tried to take in the view of Machu Picchu as much as we could knowing that our feeling of pure awe would never be captured in the obligatory photos that we took.

Exploring Machu Picchu

All right, time to head down and see the city! We spent the next half of the day wandering around the Ancient City in the Sky, which is truly magnificent. The setting alone is enough to take someone’s breath away, with sharp peaks covered in lush greenery surrounding us on all sides, and the steep ravines that plunge down to the river below.

Exploring Machu Picchu

The ingenuity and spiritual vibes make the city that much more special. As we wandered, we visited the energy vortex at the Intihuatana stone, the Temple of the Sun, and the Room with Three Windows. We wandered through homes in the urban sector and marveled at the forward thinking and engineering of the drainage system. Perhaps most exciting, we got up close and personal with some baby llamas (they were so cute).

Exploring Machu Picchu

Exploring Machu Picchu

Exploring Machu PicchuExploring Machu PicchuExploring Machu PicchuExploring Machu Picchu

After a very long day of hiking and walking, we headed back to Aguas Calientes to catch the last train back to Cusco. As this was our last stop before returning to our lives in New York City, we really did save the best for last.

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Exploring Machu Picchu

The post Exploring Machu Picchu first appeared on Liana Elise

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